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The Lost Homework

O’Neill, Richard, Beautyman, Kirsti
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Child’s Play International Ltd (Child’s Play (International) Ltd)
Published: July 13, 2019
ISBN: 9781786283450
32 pages, 32 Illustrations, color
Country of publication: United Kingdom


In this new addition to our ‘Travellers’ Tales’ series, Sonny devotes his weekend to helping his neighbours and fellow Travellers with a variety of tasks. He uses many skills, from calculating the amount of fuel needed for a journey, to restoring a caravan. In fact, the only thing he doesn’t do over the weekend is his homework – his workbook is missing! What will his teacher say? This new picture book by Richard O’Neill champions the idea that many skills learned at home are as important as those learned at school. Shortlisted for the Teach Early Years Awards 2020 (Picture Books Category)!

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