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Content Warning: Everything

N/A / Emezi, Akwaeka
Format: Other
Publisher: copper canyon press (N/A)
ISBN: 9781556596292
Country of publication: Unknown


In their bold debut poetry collection, Akwaeke Emezi–award-winning author of Freshwater, PET, The Death of Vivek Oji, and Dear Senthuran–imagines a new depth of belonging. Crafted of both divine and earthly materials, these poems travel from home to homesickness, tracing desire to surrender and abuse to survival, while mapping out a chosen family that includes the son of god, mary auntie, and magdalene with the chestnut eyes. Written from a spiritfirst perspective and celebrating the essence of self that is impossible to drown, kill, or reduce, Content Warning: Everything distills the radiant power and epic grief of a mischievous and wanting young deity, embodied.

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