Daniel Burdsey on Race, Place and the Seaside
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Leading up to Nottingham Refugee Week….
Lyndsey Stonebridge will present a highly topical and timely account of refugee history and literatature, drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, Franz Kafka, W.H. Auden, George Orwell, Samuel Beckett, and Simone Weil.
She has written the first literary history of modern statelessness that raises vital questions about sovereignty, humanism, and the future of human rights which highlights the importance of modern literature in understanding the challenges of today’s refugee ‘crisis’.
Daniel Burdsey will talk about a place, or set of places – the English seaside, exploring race, ethnicity and whiteness in terms of migratory politics but also the way minority communities do and don’t move there and what they find on the edge of the sea compared to the urban landscapes where most Black and Minority Ethnic people live.
Dan is the author of Race, Place and the Seaside. He teaches at Brighton University and is well known for his work with Leicester Football Club (“Foxes Against Racism”) and his writing on race and football. He has been researching race and the seaside for ten years.
Note – this is a change of programme as the previous speaker had to withdraw for family reasons.
Tickets: £3.00 on the door, including refreshments. Please let us know you are coming on events@fiveleaves.co.uk