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Up And Adam

Zapata, Debbie, Ling Kang, Yong
Format: Hardback
Publisher: Kids Can Press
Published: June 16, 2022
ISBN: 9781525304415
32 pages, 32 Illustrations, unspecified
Country of publication: Canada


A boy with Down syndrome lifts spirits all over town! It’s the day after the big storm. Adam and his dog, Up, are finishing breakfast when the mayor appears on TV asking everyone to help with the cleanup. She says, ‘Now, it’s time to get to work. Up and at ’em!’ When Adam hears the mayor tell him and Up to get to work, he’s on it! ‘We can help!’ Adam says. And as everyone in the town is about to discover – they really can! With kindness in his heart and a smile on his face, Adam shows readers that everyone can make a difference in their community!

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