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The Philosopher Queens : The lives and legacies of philosophy’s unsung women

Buxton, Rebecca, Whiting, Lisa
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Unbound
Published: September 17, 2020
ISBN: 9781783528011
224 pages


‘This is brilliant. A book about women in philosophy by women in philosophy – love it!’ Elif Shafak

Where are the women philosophers? The answer is right here. The history of philosophy has not done women justice: you’ve probably heard the names Plato, Kant, Nietzsche and Locke – but what about Hypatia, Arendt, Oluwole and Young? The Philosopher Queens is a long-awaited book about the lives and works of women in philosophy by women in philosophy. This collection brings to centre stage twenty prominent women whose ideas have had a profound – but for the most part uncredited – impact on the world. You’ll learn about Ban Zhao, the first woman historian in ancient Chinese history; Angela Davis, perhaps the most iconic symbol of the American Black Power Movement; Azizah Y. al-Hibri, known for examining the intersection of Islamic law and gender equality; and many more. For anyone who has wondered where the women philosophers are, or anyone curious about the history of ideas – it’s time to meet the philosopher queens.

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