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Strange Labyrinth : Outlaws, Poets, Mystics, Murderers and a Coward in London’s Great Forest

Will Ashon
Format: Paperback
Published: February 1, 2018
ISBN: 9781783783458
416 pages
Country of publication: United Kingdom


In litter-strewn Epping Forest on the edge of London, might a writer find that magical moment of transcendence? He will certainly discover filthy graffiti and frightening dogs, as well as world-renowned artists and fading celebrities, robbers, lovers, ghosts and poets. But will he find himself? Or a version of himself he might learn something from? Strange Labyrinth is a quest narrative arguing that we shouldn’t get lost in order to find ourselves, but solely to accept that we are lost in the first place. It is a singular blend of landscape writing, political indignation, cultural history and wit from a startling new voice in non-fiction.

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