Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097
Off the Wall is the chronicle of a unique theatrical journey which saw Cloud Nine actors and playwright Peter Mortimer stride the width of England to perform their specially commissioned play in remote rural areas. The actors, like medieval troubadours, walked through rugged terrain along the length of Hadrian’s Wall, arriving each evening at local venues for their performance. The book is an insight into the Roman Wall, the contrasting fortunes and dynamics of such a journey, plus the full transcript of the play – a fast-paced satire whose subject is Hadrian’s Wall itself, and one entrepreneur’s attempt to turn it into a very long theme park.
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Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:
10.00am – 5.30pm
12.00pm – 4.00pm
Contact Us:
Five Leaves Bookshop
14a Long Row
0115 8373097