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Life as a Unicorn : A Journey from Shame to Pride and Everything in Between

Al-Kadhi, Amrou
Format: Paperback
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers (Fourth Estate Ltd)
Published: July 23, 2020
ISBN: 9780008306106
304 pages
Country of publication: United Kingdom


A heart-breaking and hilarious memoir about the author’s fight to be true to themself WINNER OF THE POLARI FIRST BOOK PRIZE 2020 WINNER OF A SOMERSET MAUGHAM AWARD Amrou knew they were gay when, aged ten, they first laid eyes on Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone. It was love at first sight. Amrou’s parents weren’t so happy… From that moment on, Amrou began searching in all the wrong places for ways to make their divided self whole again. Life as a Unicorn is a hilarious yet devastating story of a search for belonging, following the painful and surprising process of transforming from a god-fearing Muslim boy to a queer drag queen, strutting the stage in seven-inch heels and saying the things nobody else dares to ….

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