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Finished only weeks before his death in 1994, this autobiography traces the trajectory that led Feyerabend from an isolated, lower-middle-class childhood in Vienna to the height of international academic success as one of this century’s most influential intellectuals. He writes of his experience in the German army on the Russian front, where three bullets left him crippled, impotent, and in lifelong pain. He recalls his promising talent as an operatic tenor (a lifelong passion), his encounters with everyone from Martin Buber to Bertolt Brecht, innumerable love affairs, four marriages, and a career so rich he once held tenured positions at four universities at the same time.
Although not written as an intellectual autobiography, “Killing Time” sketches the people, ideas, and conflicts of 60 years. Feyerabend writes frankly of complicated relationships with his mentor Karl Popper and his friend and frequent opponent Imre Lakatos, and his reactions to a growing reputation as the “worst enemy of science.”
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Five Leaves Bookshop
14a Long Row
0115 8373097