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k-punk : The Collected and Unpublished Writings of Mark Fisher (2004-2016)

Fisher, Mark, Ambrose, Darren
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Watkins Media (Repeater Books)
Published: November 15, 2018
ISBN: 9781912248285
824 pages


Edited by Darren Ambrose and with a foreword by Simon Reynolds, this comprehensive collection brings together the work of acclaimed blogger, writer, political activist and lecturer Mark Fisher (aka k-punk). Covering the period 2004 – 2016, the collection will include some of the best writings from his seminal blog k-punk; a selection of his brilliantly insightful film, television and music reviews; his key writings on politics, activism, precarity, hauntology, mental health and popular modernism for numerous websites and magazines; his final unfinished introduction to his planned work on “Acid Communism”; and a number of important interviews from the last decade.

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