Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097
Place. Memory. Stories. Lives. In this instalment of Tim Bird’s comic Grey Area our focus turns to remembered places. Memories from childhood. Relationships with those we love. The environment that we experience. The time and place within which we exist. These aspects of our lives are questioned and interrogated–memories and places change, whilst we are shaped by our connections with those close to us, as well as the landscapes we inhabit. Our Town is Tim Bird’s follow-up to From the City to the Sea, which won Best Comic at the 2015 British Comic Awards
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Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:
10.00am – 5.30pm
12.00pm – 4.00pm
Contact Us:
Five Leaves Bookshop
14a Long Row
0115 8373097