Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097
From the 1950s onwards, football match programmes regularly featured Face In The Crowd competitions – crowd photographs with a lucky face circled. This simple promotion, a way of encouraging regular purchasing of match day programmes, also managed to create an unintentional visual record of football supporters over the decades. They might seem reminders of an apparently less complicated era, but these images conjure darker, more disturbing echoes: those of faces caught in the cross hairs of an unseen assassin’s rifle, or tracked by the lens of surveillance cameras of some sinister dystopian world. A harbinger of a time when we can no longer be just an anonymous face in the crowd. Alan Dein is an oral historian and a multi award winning radio documentary presenter. Face In The Crowd is the fifth book in the Four Corners Irregulars series of accessible introductions to modern British visual history, after UFO Drawings From The National Archives, Eyeball Cards, Poster Workshop and Leeds Postcards.
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Shop Opening Hours
Monday to Saturday:
10.00am – 5.30pm
12.00pm – 4.00pm
Contact Us:
Five Leaves Bookshop
14a Long Row
0115 8373097