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Duppy Conqueror

Dennis, Ferdinand
Format: Paperback
Publisher: HopeRoad Publishing Ltd (Small Axes)
Published: October 29, 2020
ISBN: 9781913109035
352 pages
Country of publication: United Kingdom


Marshall Sarjeant is born at the beginning of the 20th century in Paradise, Jamaica. As a young man, he is entrusted with a mythical quest to overcome a curse that has been put on his family. He must do this by returning to Africa from where family members were brought as slaves. Marshall’s journey is a long, taking him first to wartime Liverpool and then, London where he marries and mixes with a clubland crowd of gamblers, musicians and politicians. In Africa, he finds a continent in the turbulent throes of attempting to escape a colonial past. Returning to Paradise, Marshall’s life turns full circle in his epic mission to defeat the duppy, or ghost that started him on his voyage.

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