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Cane, Corn & Gully

Kinshasa, Safiya Kamaria
Format: Paperback
Publisher: Out-Spoken Press
Published: November 17, 2022
ISBN: 9781739902124
Country of publication: United Kingdom


Cane, Corn & Gulley is a genealogical and autobiographical collection which unites dance and poetry to observe, question and ruminate on what it means to adopt, perform, and pass down the notion of black West Indian femininity. Using labanotation and rhythm to analyse movement from Caribbean dances to movements carried out in everyday rituals, Kinshasa uses these motifs as a form of cartography for the poems.

Cane, Corn & Gulley interrogates survival, sexual exploitation, race, gender, and class and invests in a unique discourse on the violence inflicted on the black female body (historically and presently). It explores the meaning of movement in oppressive ideological structures and serves to vindicate the rebellious acts of black women past, present and yet to come.

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