The Easter Rising: some connections to the English midlands, with James Moran
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
In association with Nottingham Irish Studies Group, one of a set of three weekly lectures this season.
The Easter Rising of 1916 was the foundational event of the modern Irish state, and the centenary was recently celebrated with high-profile commemorations in Ireland. In this talk, Jim Moran will explore some of the local connections between the English midlands and this insurrection, showing how some of the thoughts of the key figures in the rebellion derived from their links with this region.
Jim Moran is Professor of Modern English Literature and Drama at the University of Nottingham. His books include Staging the Easter Rising and, as editor, Four Irish Rebel Plays. He has also worked on the history of the Sherwood Foresters of 1916.
Admission: £3 including refreshments. Please let us know you are coming on