
Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097

Bread and Roses Saturday: Textiles Worldwide, with Tansy Hoskins

Saturday, 22nd November, 2014    
2:15 pm - 3:15 pm
Friends Meeting House
25 Clarendon Street, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG1 5JD

bread-and-roses-page1Tansy Hoskins is the author of Stitched Up: the anti-capitalist book of fashion. She returns to Nottingham to discuss world trade, focusing on the garment industry. We all know that £11 t-shirts are an issue…are we bad if we buy them? What of Fair Trade, and the re-export of secondhand clothes to poor countries? How can we dress well, but ensure that those who make our clothes live well?

Tickets: free but please book in advance.