Kali by Emily Hennessey
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
From demure housewife to bloodthirsty goddess, gurgling infant to elephant man, meditating sage to cosmic fire-eater, Hindu mythology illuminates a mind-blowing world of radical transformations.
Kali is one of the wildest shape-shifters of all. Demon-slayer, Life-saver, Supreme-Mother, Destruction-dancer, this goddess is truly Awesome.
When an evil power spreads its clawed hands across the world, Kali’s time has come…
Join storyteller, Emily Hennessey, for a white-knuckled tuc-tuc ride through sun-kissed palaces, fiend-infested forests and every cacophonous saffron-scented marketplace in between.
for adults (or 14yrs+)
Cakes and soft drinks will be available.
Tickets are £7 at the door, or book ahead via Sophie Snell on Tel 01332 840007, email robandsophie@hotmail.com. Website: www.talesfromtwocities.co.uk
What is “storytelling”? It is the traditional art of oral storytelling – the spoken performance of traditional stories – old folk and fairy tales, myths and legends that intrigue, tease and delight. Tales from Two Cities is a club based in at Derby and Nottingham, with a remit to bring to life the old form of story transmission, hosting events with storytellers from around the UK, bringing storytelling back to adults.