Secret Tunnels of England: Folklore and Fact
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Antony Clayton is the author of the highly popular Subterranean City, Beneath the Streets of London, described as ‘a modern history masterpiece’. He has given talks on subterranean subjects at the British Library, the Institute of Contemporary Arts, and the Bishopsgate Institute.
Tonight, Antony will attempt to sort fact from fiction in this illustrated talk and launch of his latest book.
“So-called secret tunnels are a subject of perennial interest. Are there really labyrinths of hidden passageways under England’s ancient buildings, towns and cities, or are these tunnel tales another seam of this country’s rich folklore?”
Secret Tunnels of England: Folklore and Fact is the first book on the subject for twenty-five years and is packed with new research, much of it from the 21st century. Entertainingly written, with a foreword by renowned urban explorer Bradley L. Garrett and an essay by occult authority Gary Lachman, it is being cited as the definitive book on the subject.
Admission for this event is £3 and refreshments will be available.
There will be 15% discount off any purchases made on the night.
Booking is recommended. To attend this event, please RSVP to or alternatively call in to the shop.