
Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097

Nottingham Poetry Society reading, with Zayneb Allak and Rory Waterman

Wednesday, 16th May, 2018    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Five Leaves Bookshop*
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH

We are pleased to host this reading organised by Nottingham Poetry Society, part of the NPS relaunch events programme.

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Zayneb Allak has travelled and worked all over the world, and is currently Lecturer in Creative Writing at Edge Hill University. Keine Angst (New Walk Editions, 2017) is her debut pamphlet. She recently left Nottingham. While here she was well known on the local poetry scene.

Rory Waterman will be reading from his latest Carcanet poetry collection, Sarajevo Roses, together with older and new, unpublished material. Sarajevo Roses is Rory Waterman’s second collection of poems. From the start we are in the company of a poet on the move . On sleeper trains, in cars and on foot, Waterman takes us into Mediterranean Europe, to Venice, to Krujë, to the ghost-town Craco, and to St Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City, where ‘selfie-sticks dance before us at the altar’. Sarajevo’s ‘neatened muddle of terracotta and concrete’ is twinned with the ‘church spires and rain-bright roofs’ of the poet’s former hometown, Lincoln.

The Sarajevo rose of the book’s title  is a mortar crater filled with red resin, in remembrance.  Surrounded by the war-shaped, memorial landscapes of Europe, the poet is faced by those smaller wars and memorials one carries within, marks left by lovers, friends, relations, and past selves.

Tickets: £4, including refreshments

To book a place, simply email us at  fiveleaves.bookshopevents@gmail.com