Nottingham Pagan Book Club reads ‘The Mabinogion’ Translated by Sioned Davies

14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Five Leaves hosts the Nottingham Pagan Book Club, a reading group for those interested in Pagan literature, both modern and classical. The group is open to anyone who would like to discuss books from a pagan perspective, be they long-time pagans or just curious about exploring pagan spirituality.
Please read the Sioned Davies translation. Trust us on this one – you’ll have a better reading experience. The Davies translation is by a Welsh speaker and more accurate than most older translations, while also being written in a much more readable tone, evocative of the oral storytelling. Most other translations (especially ones you might download online) are typically inaccurate and in outdated language, or when accurate they are written in a dry academic way that misses the feel of the original stories.
The Mabinogion is one of the oldest written sources we have of the mythology of this island. The two surviving manuscripts date from the 14th century stories but were thought to be collected in the 12-13th century from the oral tradition, with many stories likely to have much older roots. Many stories collected here have had a great influence on many streams of modern paganism (you’ll find stories of Rhiannon, Ceridwen, and Blodeuwedd among others). There’s shapeshifting, otherworldly beings, magical tests, dragons, witches and more. As it’s an primary source, it can be a tricky read but the stories are worth it!
You don’t have to read it cover to cover if you don’t want to, or you don’t have time. Come with some of your favourite moments picked out, and any ideas on how, as modern pagans, we might use these stories in our practice.
As ever it’s available from Five Leaves Bookshop for 15% off (so £8.49) but feel free to it get elsewhere if you’d prefer – if you do the ISBNs are Paperback: 9780199218783 Hardcover: 9780198815242 To access the discount, email your order to or pop by the shop.
Bookings are closed for this event.