Litvak Fiction – Jewish fiction from Lithuania – with Noir Press
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Tomas Venclova called Grigory Kanovich, ‘the last link in the chain of Litvak fiction’. But what is Litvak fiction? And who is Tomas Venclova? The talk will be a brief survey of the eclectic treasure chest that characterises Jewish fiction from Lithuania – from one of the first novels written in Hebrew, to the twentieth century classics written in French, Yiddish, Russian and Lithuanian. And has Litvak fiction really hung up its boots and gone into retirement?
The talk will also cover Grigory Kanovich’s work and launch his novel Devilspel, published in English this month. Kanovich is the last Yiddish writer of his generation whose Shtetl Love Song was published last year and whose play, Waiting for Jehovah, was performed at the Barbican last year.
Introduced by Stephan Collishaw from Noir Press.
Tickets: £3.00 on the door, including a glass of kvass (non-alcohol drink made from fermented bread). Please let us know you are coming on