
Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097

Laurynas Katkus, Indrė Valantinaitė & Alistair Noon – An evening of Lithuanian poetry

Saturday, 10th October, 2015    
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Five Leaves Bookshop*
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH

In association with Nine Arches Press, Nottingham Writers’ Studio, and with thanks to the Lithuanian Culture Institute.

We’re delighted to welcome Lithuanian poets Indrė Valantinaitė and Laurynas Katkus to Nottingham. The Lithuanian Culture Institute has funded these high-profile poets’ visit to the UK, and we’re lucky that they have chosen to visit us in Nottingham for a reading that promises to be both interesting and provocative. Indrė and Laurynas will be joined by Nine Arches poet Alistair Noon, on a rare visit to the UK from his home in Berlin.

 Indre-Valantinaite-2-270x179Indrė Valantinaitė was born in 1984 in Kaunas. She has published poems in many periodicals, and she debuted with her first book of poetry in 2006. Her first book Of Fish and Lilies won the First Book Contest of the Lithuanian Writers Union in 2006. Her second book Tales about Love and Other Animals (2011) won the Young Yotvingian Prize in 2012. In addition to writing poems, Indrė is a singer, a winner of several singing festivals and also a TV journalist and producer.

Katkus_by-Jurga-Perminaitė-270x180Laurynas Katkus was born in 1972 in Vilnius, Lithuania. Katkus has published three books of poetry, a collection of essays and a novel.  He has been translated into more than ten languages; and two book-length selections of poems in German, a selection of poems Bootleg Copy in English (2011), and a selection of essays and stories in German were published. Katkus was a fellow of Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart,  of Junge Akademie in the Berlin Academy of Arts, of  International Writing Program in Iowa, and others. Katkus has translated many writers from English into Lithuanian. He lives in Vilnius with his wife and three children.

Alistair-NoonAlistair Noon was born in 1970 and grew up in Aylesbury. Besides time spent in Russia and China, he has lived in Berlin since the early nineties, where he works as a translator. He has published poetry, including translations from German and Russian, in nine chapbooks from small presses, a collaboration with Giles Goodland (Surveyors’ Riddles, 2015, Sidekick Books), and two collections from Nine Arches Press (Earth Records, 2012, short-listed for the Michael Murphy Memorial Prize; and The Kerosene Singing, 2015).

Tickets: £5 / £3 unwaged – You can book and pay via PayPal (you don’t need a PayPal account), or you can pay on the door. Please let us know beforehand if you plan to do this – 
either email admin@nottinghamwritersstudio.co.uk or call NWS on 0115 8372248.

There will be 15% discount off any purchases made on the night and refreshments will be available.

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