
Nottingham’s independent bookshop | 14a Long Row, Nottingham NG1 2DH | 0115 8373097

Insiders/Outsiders: refugees from the Nazis and their contribution to British visual culture with Monica Bohm-Duchen

Monday, 10th June, 2019    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Five Leaves Bookshop*
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH

Insiders/Outsiders is a UK-wide arts festival which runs throughout 2019 and which examines the extraordinarily rich and pervasive contribution of refugees from Nazi-dominated Europe to the visual culture, art education and art-world structures of the United Kingdom. In every field, émigrés arriving from Europe in the 1930s – supported by a small number of like-minded individuals already resident in the UK – introduced a professionalism, internationalism and bold avant-gardism to a British art world not known for these attributes.

At a time when the issue of immigration is much debated, this illustrated talk serves as a reminder of the importance of cultural cross-fertilization and of the deep, long-lasting and wide-ranging contribution that refugees make to British life.

Monica Bohm-Duchen is the creative director of the www.insidersoutsidersfestival.org and is an art historian.

Tickets: £3 on the door, including refreshments. Please let us know you are coming on events@fiveleaves.co.uk

Five Leaves Bookshop is organising several events in Nottingham as part of the festival. Contact us for more information.