Doing activism and being an activist, with Emma Craddock
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
With austerity’s disproportionately heavy impact on women now apparent, this talk considers activism against it from a feminist perspective.
Emma Craddock goes inside activist culture to explore the cultural and emotional dimensions of political participation. She questions what motivates and sustains protest, considering the enabling aspects of solidarity and empathy, as well as constraining factors of negative emotions and gendered barriers associated with activism, examining the role of gender and emotion within protest.
Emma gets to the heart of what it means to be an anti-austerity activist and brings an important addition to social justice debate. She will be in discussion with Nick Stevenson, who is active in the Univ. and College Union (UCU).
Emma is a former worker at Five Leaves Bookshop. Her research for her book was done in Nottingham including the period when she was campaigning against austerity. She now teaches at Birmingham City University.
Free, refreshments included. Please let us know you are coming on