Dandelions poetry, with Charlie Baylis and open mic
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Charlie Baylis is from Nottingham, though currently living abroad. He is the Editor of Anthropocene and the Chief Editorial Advisor to Broken Sleep Books. His poetry has been nominated twice for the Pushcart Prize and once for the Forward Prize. His most recent publication is a fondness for the colour green, published June 2023. He spends his spare time completely adrift of reality, which matches the notion of a poetry reading on 28th December other than Charlie is home for Christmas!
‘Dandelions grow in the cracks where we least expect them, forcing their way into our attention with moments of surprise and untidy beauty.” The poetry featured at Dandelions poetry evenings comes from unexpected angles and will focus on experiences of the world that might often be pulled up and discarded.
As well as Charlie as the guest reader, there will be an open mic. Please book your slot or ask for details from dandelionspoetry@gmail.com not Five Leaves
This event is fully booked.