Dandelion poets, featuring Rory Waterman, guest readers and open mic FULLY BOOKED
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
‘Dandelions grow in the cracks where we least expect them, forcing their way into our attention with moments of surprise and untidy beauty.
The poetry featured at Dandelions poetry evenings will come from unexpected angles and will focus on experiences of the world that might often be pulled up and discarded. Tonight’s event has guest reader Rory Waterman, plus an open mic (sign up on the night).
Rory Waterman is a poet with three collections published by Carcanet Press.
He is also a literary critic, editor, and academic. But don’t hold any of that against him.
Rory has read several times in the bookshop and edited Something Happens, Sometimes Here: contemporary Lincolnshire poetry for Five Leaves.
A free event, with refreshments, but put something in the hat for Dandelion
For this event, please book at dandelionspoetry@gmail.com