Carcanet Press New Poetries, with Rebecca Cullen, Rachel Mann, Isabel Galleymore and Katherine Horrex
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
From the first New Poetries anthology, published in 1994, through to this seventh volume, the series showcases the work of some of the most engaging and inventive new poets writing in English from around the world. Many have gone on to achieve notable success: Sophie Hannah, Patrick McGuinness, Kei Miller, Caroline Bird, David Morley, Jane Yeh, William Letford, Tara Bergin, and Vahni Capildeo among them. Crucially, the New Poetries anthologies have never sought to identify a `school’, much less a `generation’: the poets included employ a wide range of styles, forms and approaches, and `new’ need not be taken to imply `young’.
Tonight Rebecca Cullen, Rachel Mann, Isabel Galleymore and Katherine Horrex all read their poems published in the anthology as part of the New Poetries VII UK tour. Rebecca – Becky – is a regular customer of ours and is well known on the local poetry scene, not least for jointly organising the Wired poetry series.
£4.00, including refreshments. To book a place, simply email us at
This reading is part of Nottingham Poetry Festival