60 Years of CND, Britain’s most enduring mass movement, with Kate Hudson
14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Did you march at Aldermaston… spy for peace… sit down with the Committee of 100… see The War Game… join the Nottingham Peace Trains against cruise missiles… go to Greenham, Molesworth, Lakenheath peace camp… debate END/CND or just NND (Nottingham for Nuclear Disarmament)… ? Do you recall EP Thompson telling us ‘Now, looking at you, I know one thing, we can win, we can win, I want you to sense your own strength’… or are you younger, and marched with CND over Iraq? Do you fear the rocket men? Did you wear the badge?
Kate Hudson is general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament. In this talk she will revisit the past, the highs and lows of the campaign which, singularly and in alliance, gave itself the small task of saving the world from the Dr Strangeloves and, now, the Donald Trumps.
Kate is the author of CND at 60 which provides detailed coverage of the inside story of six decades of CND – from the mass protests at Aldermaston and Greenham Common, to its central role in post 9/11 anti-war campaigning, to today’s struggle to prevent Trident replacement and win support for the United Nations’ new global ban on nuclear weapons.
Tickets: £3.00 including refreshments
Note – date to be confirmed
Please reserve your place via fiveleaves.bookshopevents@gmail.com