‘Inclosure: 1845-1865 of Nottinghamshire’s Fields’ with author June Perry FULLY BOOKED!

14a Long Row, Nottingham, NG1 2DH
Note – this is a repeat of the sold out talk/book launch on 30th January, as so many people wanted to come! THIS ONE IS FULLY BOOKED TOO
June 30th, 1845: the Queen signed the Act to enclose Nottingham’s fields, and then… and then? It was another twenty years before everything was worked out. How much was herbage worth? What about encroachment? And toftsteads… what even is a toftstead? What about the existing estates such as the Bridge Estate?
June Perry is known from the group Friends of the Forest, and her annual Inclosure Walks. Now she has published 677 pages of minutes and description taken from twenty years of debate and decision which affected the shape of the city.
Join her for a belated book launch and hear from June as to why she wrote this book and, if you are a local historian, why the Inclosures matter to you, and if you know nothing, what they are!
Tickets are Free Refreshments provided.