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Translations, with Maura Dooley

Saturday, 29th September, 2018    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Beeston Library
Foster Avenue, Beeston, NG9 1AE

Join us to celebrate international poetry in a reading featuring translated work from Farsi, Greek, Russian, Irish and other languages. Members of Nottingham Poetry Society and Beeston Poets will share their favourite poetic voices from around the world.


Special guest Maura Dooley will talk about her experience of translating the work of Iranian refugee Azita Ghahreman collected in her new book of Ghahreman’s poetry Negatives of a Group Photograph.

Bar available. Under 18s to be accompanied by an adult.

This event forms part of the Inpire Poetry Festival taking place across Beeston, Mansfield, Southwell, West Bridford and Worksop Libraries.

In association with Nottingham Poetry Society

Tickets £5 (£1 from every ticket will be donated to a local refugee charity).

Note: tickets are only available from Beeston Library or inspireculture.org.uk/poetry-festival, and not from Five Leaves